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Displaying 2491-2500 of 5269 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
3028Articlecomic_book_fani was never one to back down to a bully but i never had the guts to ask out my childhood crush.  Oct 27, 2015View
3027ArticleJourneygirlI never had moon shoes but would love to try them...and more than likely fall flat on my face.Birthday Or BUST!Oct 27, 2015View
3026ArticleJourneygirlWay to defend your honor! If I were Sarah I would brag about you and how you didn't allow yourself to be bullied! The Secret to How I Broke My CollarboneOct 27, 2015View
3025ArticlemassrealityVapor... I forgot about listening to Sara on a loop. Thank you for that. I'm way more embarrassed about that than lying about how I broke my collarbone.The Secret to How I Broke My CollarboneOct 27, 2015View
3024VideoVaporman87If yours didn't change you into a cartoon character then you got ripped off. I was constantly He-Man in mine.Underoos CommercialOct 27, 2015View
3023ArticleVaporman87Ha! That is an awesome story. And only we here know the whole truth and nothing but the truth. I'm glad that the whole incident didn't end your burgeoning relationship with Sarah (curious... did you ever confess to her of your repeatedly listening to Starship's "Sara"? - Come on... you know you did that!). <iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> I have little doubt that all of us have had similar events occur in which we got away with our lie and never confessed the truth to anyone. Unfortunately for those like me, terrible liars, those are few and far between.The Secret to How I Broke My CollarboneOct 27, 2015View
3020Articleechidna64I hated having to take the garbage out at night. We had an area at the end of our driveway that was completely dark and covered by trees. I was always scared that while I was fumbling with the garbage can I would get ambushed from behind. I used to run there and back as fast as I could!Childhood FearsOct 27, 2015View
3019ArticlePoshy2005Very cool. if you are looking for another Baron Dark or Skeleton Warrior figs there is a website called October Toys who are selling remakes of them. 5 Coolest Retro Skeleton Action FiguresOct 26, 2015View
3018ArticleVaporman87I definitely shared your fear of blinds (and still do). I hate the idea of somebody out in the dark being able to plainly view me in the light. So I typically try to turn off any lights at night in rooms that aren't being used. Hairs, strings, grass, anything in a tub bothered me (and still does). I NEVER take baths, and I HATE swimming for this reason. I don't like floating in my own filth, let alone a bunch of other peoples'. Nope. I'm strictly a shower only person. Some other fears of mine in childhood included the attic. The attic in our home had only one entry/exit... the closet in MY bedroom. So naturally when I heard anything, from the house settling to mice doing what they do up there, I was certain something was making it's way into my closed closet, just waiting to spring forth and do me in. I also feared our garage level floor. Our house had four levels; The basement, the garage/family room/wash room level, the main level, and the upstairs where our bedrooms were. The garage/family room level frightened me whenever I was alone there. At one end of the family room was the entrance to the wash room and a complete bathroom which was RARELY used. I always envisioned something with lightning speed popping out from the wash room area and following me up the flight of stairs that led to the main level. So much so, that I routinely had nightmares about it. It still creeps me out now just thinking about it.Childhood FearsOct 26, 2015View
3016ArticleVaporman87Mine tell me what they want that very second, then I have to say no and make sure to make a note of it while I'm dealing with the backlash.The OTHER Good Thing About OctoberOct 24, 2015View