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Displaying 2401-2410 of 5269 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
1656ArticlevkimoSo one kid remained on the loose? I thought you'd be able to squeeze the one kid into giving up some intel on who the other culprit was. Dec 16, 2014View
1661ArticlevkimoThe comments section is kind of making me want to write an article about the time my Pokemon cards got stolen.vkimo's Christmas SpecialDec 16, 2014View
1690ArticlevkimoWowzers. I'd trade all my cumulative Christmases for just one of yours. I can't believe the loot! The fact you still have most of it is pretty amazing in it's own right. I guess one of the bonuses as you stated of having split parents, is you pretty much double up on gifts. I see everything that made the 80s toy generation so great in these pictures. NLogan's Retro ChristmasDec 18, 2014View
1708ArticlevkimoThat is become I am an enigma...existing in all time periods, and none. Foreordained to haunt the retro message boards of the land in hopes of keeping my legacy alive. For the moment all cease to recall the name vkimo, I will be doomed to the toy clearance bin of the great beyond and forced to play endless games of Connect Four with Moss Man.vkimo's Christmas SpecialDec 19, 2014View
1711ArticlevkimoYour double dog dare post is gone, but I accept the challenge none the less.I have one one old picture on my phone that I can find for now. Circa 1992, I'm sporting a 49ers shirt and playing Super Mario on the NES. Notice Batman and Penguin duking it out Rock 'em Sock 'em style. <img src="http://oi61.tinypic.com/m8k75y.jpg")</img>vkimo's Christmas SpecialDec 19, 2014View
1720ArticlevkimoMy oldest brother was 17 or so when I was born, he was from my mom's previous marriage. All of my siblings were pretty much 80s babies. So basically I lived the 80s in the 90s due to hand me downs hahavkimo's Christmas SpecialDec 20, 2014View
1735ArticlevkimoThanks Vapor! Maybe I'll find that tank in the wishbook hahavkimo's Christmas SpecialDec 23, 2014View
1775ArticlevkimoThis article needs to be brought to the world's attention!Bill & Ted's Excellent Filming Locations TourJan 09, 2015View
1825Articlevkimo@Hoju - Sadly no Barry Bonds :( But I did have that hockey puck for a number of years before losing it.Aladdin's Castle B-Day Jan 23, 2015View
1832ArticlevkimoIt wasn't wood grain, but I know exactly what card you're talking about. This was a Giants card and his rookie was as a Pirate. I have a few of that cardAladdin's Castle B-Day Jan 25, 2015View