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Displaying 231-240 of 5258 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
444ArticleVaporman87Such a fun read! I could fill up an article of my own with my various "mostly legal" hijinks. I was not a bad kid either, but we did some things now and then that were probably not nice. :) I think you should make it your mission to get on top of your old school house and see if you can find that ball. THAT would be something I would want video of. Kind of like when Geraldo opened Al Capone's safe. DO IT! DO IT! DO IT! C'mon everyone... in unison! Thanks for this shakin! Feb 25, 2013View
448ArticleVaporman87If you ever do find it, I will personally pay for a beautiful display case for it... IF you get it on video! ;)MINOR TROUBLEFeb 25, 2013View
447Articleshakin steakYou're welcome! As for the mission...I would if I still lived in the area and could get there with a ladder one summer day. Sorry to disappoint. :)MINOR TROUBLEFeb 25, 2013View
446ArticleraptorYou sir are a criminal. But seriously, I thought it was funny when you talked about the phone number trick. It reminded me of all the times my buds and I pranked a pay phone near a corner in town where all the losers would hang out on Friday nights. We would call it up and when one of them would answer we would light into them with crazy crap.MINOR TROUBLEFeb 25, 2013View
451ArticleAceNThaHoleI wish I could have thought to start a business like that in school!MINOR TROUBLEFeb 26, 2013View
450ArticleOldSchool80sFun post. Made me laugh a couple times and I could relate with a couple of the mischievous deeds as well. Thanks for sharing.MINOR TROUBLEFeb 26, 2013View
464ArticleVaporman87I like the inclusion of Out Of This World. That was such a great platformer. And the fact that there was no dialogue actually seemed to make it more interesting and not less. I wish this would get remade using today's technology.Obscure Gaming Legacy Volume 3Mar 03, 2013View
465ArticleVaporman87Also, great read Ben! Thanks for this.Obscure Gaming Legacy Volume 3Mar 03, 2013View
474ArticleMr MagicI'd liked Mickey Mania, so I might try the Magical Quest someday.Obscure Gaming Legacy Volume 3Mar 05, 2013View
463ArticleBenjanimewhoops, looks like i goofed on the claymates description. ah well... guess this article is getting a rough startObscure Gaming Legacy Volume 3Mar 03, 2013View