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Displaying 2381-2390 of 5269 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
1309ArticlevkimoJust watched the videos, that was awesome! You definitely had the personality that shows look for. If I were on stage as soon as the music hit I'd lay down on stage crying, leaving the audience to wonder if my anxiety induced performance to Toni Braxton's Un Break My Heart is rehearsed or not. And man, Fergie was smoking! In a career ending act of sabotage you should have tilted her back and planted a kiss. Woulda been worth it Sep 23, 2014View
1319ArticlevkimoWill Dr. Timewarp be a reoccurring alter ego of Hoju Koolander? Very fun article. And bonus points on the actual vintage shots inside a Toys R Us! It was always an idea of mine as a youngster to buy a Toys R Us and just lock it up for 15 years then reopen it as a museum. How cool would that be? I remember my Toys R us having all metal cages in the gaming section. It was maximum security there. I'm talking if you wanted a game the associate helping you had one key and the manager had the other. Both keys had to be inserted at precisely the right time and turned in sync. Maybe I over exaggerated that part... As for the Super Toy run, well that was a running fantasy all the way until I was almost a teen, which was replaced by fantasies of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, aherm. There was a really interesting AMA on Reddit from a guy who won it way back when, worth a read: Toys R Us 1987Sep 24, 2014View
1322Articlevkimo@Vapor I was thinking the same thing. Of all the MOTU (And any toy line really) merchandising, it's the promo stuff that's the most valuable. Store displays, event promotional items, etc. Timewarp: Toys R Us 1987Sep 24, 2014View
1328ArticlevkimoI never grew up around any amusement parks so I never got to experience them like you did, however I'm next to 2 of them know and they seem a little twisted. Like walking around a mental hospital while people jump out and tickle you with dusters... Heck last year there was quite an uproar because Dorney Park was having Shocktober and after midnight they had a nude event where people could walk buck naked through their haunted attractions. I don't know why someone would want to do that, it was cancelled though.A Haunting ExperienceSep 25, 2014View
1330Articlevkimo@Pika Now that I think about it, you were only allowed to be nude through one of the haunted houses, but still.A Haunting ExperienceSep 25, 2014View
1358ArticlevkimoMy brother and I had a strict rule where we took turns renting games. And on the car ride home whoever got to the TV first and turned on the TV had control of the game. I wish I could remember the last game we ever rented. It was definitely for the N64 though. My dad was a simple man when it came to movie rentals. It had to have fire on the cover. He usually picked out Steven Segals latest flick. My mom trying to instill culture into her heathenish offspring would get obscure documentaries or Oscar ladden titles that usually ended up with everyone asleep, her included.Timewarp: Blockbuster Video 1996Oct 02, 2014View
1373ArticlevkimoIf Halloween was an indigenous tribe, you discovered them, enslaved them, and established a top grade rubber facility all in a very short time. Excellent work. So much good stuff here. I'm really impressed at your near encyclopedic recollections. I was floored when you would post some rare merchandise then state that it was from your childhood collection! Most of that stuff is hard to come by as a collector so having it from youth makes it all the more special. I love the personal pics. Seeing your brother and cousins all stuffed on the plaid couch with the fake flowers on the table and the telephone book sized Bible really capture the moment. That must be pretty cool being a twin as well. You guys could really pull off some shenanigans. One of you dresses in normal clothing and the other in a costume and trick or treat at the same houses and have people scratching their heads in deja vous induced trauma. Great article, fun read! NLogan's Retro Halloween OverloadOct 04, 2014View
1387ArticlevkimoIt seems now all the good trick or treating is done in the upper middle class areas. I know people who drive 20 minutes to take their kids out to the burbs to trick or treat.Flannel CornucopiaOct 06, 2014View
1390ArticlevkimoI was more or less referring to the generalized public image of the monster. Don't get all literary on me NLogan!Flannel CornucopiaOct 07, 2014View
1396Articlevkimo@Ben Do those 8 bit sprites look familiar? I actually got the idea from your bonus review of Monster Party last year.Flannel CornucopiaOct 08, 2014View