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Displaying 2241-2250 of 5269 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
2457ArticleMr MagicMetropolis doesn't get any easier when you deal with three acts, does it? Aug 04, 2015View
2458ArticleBenjanimeso far, just pc and as a dowload for ps3 and ps4.Top Ten Video Games That I Played During SummerAug 04, 2015View
2459ArticleOldSchool80sPicking out the perfect lunch box was so important in those early years. Then I can remember how much my Trapper Keeper meant to me. I also remember the 4-color pen (that they still make, I think) where you slide down the color that you want to use - black, blue, red, green.Retro School SuppliesAug 04, 2015View
2460ArticleVaporman87@OldSchool: Oh yeah! I had forgotten all about those pens. Those were so cool back in the day. I had a few of those too. Though the only color that really got much use was black, followed by blue.Retro School SuppliesAug 04, 2015View
2461ArticleVaporman87Well, since I just recently purchased a PS4, that works out nicely.Top Ten Video Games That I Played During SummerAug 04, 2015View
2462ArticlepikachuloverI just bought one of those multi color pens, a Lisa Frank one. It has a really girly design with kittens and ice cream cones. Retro School SuppliesAug 04, 2015View
2463ArticleHoju Koolander@OldSchool80s Good call! I always associated the standard 4 color pens with my older brother who actually carried them in a pocket protector (he was going to college to be an electrical engineer). But I remember at one point owning a huge shiny purple one that had like 10 colors, which was crazy.Retro School SuppliesAug 05, 2015View
2464ArticleVaporman87Funny how the companionship of a dog can make a kid feel so much more confidence and peace. Like they were made to compliment each other. Unless you ask my middle son. He's scared to death of even the tiniest dog. Losing a beloved pet in your youth is rough. It leaves an empty space in you that you can remember forever. I can still feel the distress of knowing my dog, Susie, was being given to my uncle because my mom and dad had divorced, and she was moving and did not want the dog. Neither did my dad. I felt a bit betrayed. But yes, gaming can make you forget your worries for while. A much better alternative than alcohol or meds. You can enter another world and live there for a time, forgetting that OTHER life and the issues you're dealing with. Doing that as a kid creates a lasting memory of how you coped. One I'm glad you shared vkimo! Summer of SheebaAug 05, 2015View
2466ArticleVaporman87For shame! LOL Oh we've all been there, haven't we? Frustrated by losing when the game (any game) was firmly within our grasp. With board gaming, the opportunity to "gently swing things into your favor" was oh so enticing. I KNOW I tried my hand at it more than once, usually failing. Sometimes you can invent a new rule to favor you, knowing that the instruction manual had been safely thrown away years ago. "But that's how WE always played..." was a common phrase. LOL This reminded me of a recent visit with friends during which one of their daughters joined me and my daughter in a game of UNO. I had played UNO for decades, so when she began coming up with one rule after another to favor her hand, and she would play cards then take them back, I knew she was a compulsive cheater who was awful at actually executing the cheat. What is wrong with kids these days? They can't even cheat right!Cheatin'Aug 05, 2015View
2467ArticleVaporman87Awww man! Seeing the figures on the back of that Secret Wars Spidey card back brings back my despair over not owning Hobgoblin, Baron Zemo or Falcon! I did own both Spidey versions, Cap, Doc Ock, and the others. In fact, I still own them as well as Doctor Doom's fortress thingy. I also owned (but no longer own) one or two of the vehicles. Was it just me, or were Doc Ock's tentacles prone to breaking off? All of mine broke off in play, and what is a Doc Ock with no "Ock"? Just a "Doc", and that's lame. My favorite was, of course, Iron Man. The whole Secret Wars comic storyline and toy line were huge in my youth. I played with them a great deal... more so than any other superhero toy line. They got their fair share of playtime amidst He-Man, Thundercats, GI Joe, and Transformers, and that's quite a feat. Spider-Man & Venom Action Figure RetrospectiveAug 05, 2015View