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Displaying 211-220 of 5258 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
5542ArticleBenjanime@Mr Magic definitely see if you can find it! i think i lost all my photos i had of my own taz shirts, one of them was a redskins shirt! @Julie i'm thankful to have a girlfriend now to share my stories with, my so precious julie ❤ Nov 11, 2021View
5549ArticleMr MagicWasn't I cute, folks? a Taz Fan in the 1990sNov 17, 2021View
5537ArticleMr MagicI remember playing the Taz Mania Genesis game in 1994. I also have a picture of me wearing a Taz shirt back when I was 9 or 10. I might post it someday.Being a Taz Fan in the 1990sNov 11, 2021View
5576ArticleJulieA so charismatic point of view and text that enchants me every time.❤ I didn't have the cartridge back then but now we can enjoy this wonderful series, so fun and dynamic, and full of whim.❤ Thank you for introducing me to this series, my sweet @Benjanime.❤ I love you forever and without you, I would be lost.❤❤Super Smash Bros. Melee: Star Studded SequelJan 06, 2022View
5587Articleonipar@ben, I hear ya. I think when I wasn't using games to cope, it was music, art, and reading. But I also used/use video games the same way.Super Smash Bros. Melee: Star Studded SequelJan 15, 2022View
5584ArticleoniparTo this day, I still regret on missing over a decade of gaming. I don't know exactly why, but some time after the Genesis/Super Nintendo era (around 1995-ish?), I lost interest in video games. I'd still play my old ones now and then, but mostly I was out doing other stuff. I completely missed the N64, PlayStation, GameCube, and PlayStation 2 lifecycles (except for a small amount of time with Crash Team Racing in college). After college I lived with roommates who owned an Xbox, which is what got me back into the gaming life, but it still wasn't until a few years later when I finally bought my first system since the Genesis: The PS3. Super Smash Bros. Melee: Star Studded SequelJan 15, 2022View
5586ArticleBenjanime@onipar video games were mandatory for me really, even in high school i needed them to cope with what was going on in my life at the time, so i'm glad i could keep getting consoles as the years rolled by, i just wish they didn't have to get replaced to have the money for more.Super Smash Bros. Melee: Star Studded SequelJan 15, 2022View
5577ArticleBenjanime@Julie i can't wait to play them all with you, on both console AND emulators, my everything ;) i love you so much! ❤Super Smash Bros. Melee: Star Studded SequelJan 06, 2022View
5575ArticleBenjanime@Vaporman you have to admit though, at least it tried to be different from the usual fighting games. having items, stages and characters all based on nintendo history all in one game and not using the usual set up of "defeat the enemy until they're dead" but rather "keep the enemy at bay with your best moves". it may not be everybody's cup of tea, but it's still very much unique. and it's not about button mashing either, if you watch actual live tournaments of the games you'll see players dodging and maneuvering from attacks with agility, and that's how the real pros play ;)Super Smash Bros. Melee: Star Studded SequelJan 06, 2022View
5574ArticleVaporman87I've never been a fan of Super Smash Brothers. The concept is great on paper. But the execution is just dreadful. There is too much on screen action. I lose track of where I am half the time, and things happen so fast that you can't really create any kind of strategy. All you do is just mash buttons and hope you get more hits than the opponent. I'd much prefer a standard fighting game where I can concentrate on my moves and strategy.Super Smash Bros. Melee: Star Studded SequelJan 05, 2022View