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Displaying 1991-2000 of 5269 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
3374ArticlepikachuloverThe relatives who did that to me were sneaky, and did when my parents weren't looking. Once my parents had found out I had already given it away. I did complain about it to my mom though.  Feb 19, 2016View
3375ArticleHoju KoolanderSanrio items were so exotic, parents just didn't get it. Not being a girl I never heard of Minnie N Me, but it's so of that era. I can't imagine giving away something so precious and new at that age.The PurseFeb 20, 2016View
3380ArticlepikachuloverMy mom and some of my other relatives just felt Sanrio items were just over priced versions of cheaper items. The PurseFeb 23, 2016View
3368ArticleDirtyD79Great article. As a kid I always loved exploring in the woods. Even now one of my favorite things to do is go for long walks in the woods with my girlfriend. I just find it peaceful and relaxing.My Favorite SummerFeb 17, 2016View
3369ArticlevkimoGreat memories, and I envy you being able to enjoy such times. Growing up in the suburbs didn't let me get close to nature.My Favorite SummerFeb 18, 2016View
3367ArticleVaporman87Wow. Just wow. Loved this one. True... we each have fond memories of time spent with things that we all knew of and had as children. And those things are special to us and we share similar feelings and memories with regard to them. And then there are those memories that, like you mentioned, are solely our own and unlike any that others may have had. And yet this feels familiar to me. I also spent time exploring nearby woods. Both at my childhood home, and the home I spent my teen years growing up in. Both had woods behind them, and both were just calling to be explored. The home of my childhood featured woods directly behind it that seemingly went on forever (to a kid). At one point, you could exit them and find yourself in a valley with the shadow of a water tower cast over a small junk pile. In the junk pile was a VW Bug surrounded by old appliances and trash. I recall finding an "adult" magazine there, and my friend who had traveled there with me taking quite the interest in it. I used to tell the other neighborhood kids that a little girl died in those woods, in a quicksand pit that I had yet to find. I have no idea why. If you exited another part of the woods, you did so through a large cement culvert under a main highway. At the other end of the culvert was a small body of water. It was very cool. The home I spent my teenage years in also had a nice wooded area behind it. My brother and I would explore it once in a while. And once, a friend and I went deep into the woods and discovered a rocky outcropping that lined a large hillside. In the outcropping was a cave, but not an enclosed one. One side of the cave was completely open, so that watching us traverse the cave from outside would look like watching ants travel through the dirt in an ant farm. It was really cool. My friend and I were jumping from one side of a small creek to another outside the cave, and when he landed on one side further down, his shoe sank into the mud, and when his foot popped back out, his shoe did not. All we could see was the hole for his foot in the shoe. The shoe itself was buried in the mud. Good times. My Favorite SummerFeb 15, 2016View
5425Article when I was younger I used to love to go back to New Orleans I mean good times just visiting family and just relaxing, visiting family back then My Favorite SummerMay 15, 2021View
5711VideoBenjanimeAs memorable as this movie can be to some with all its gore, I do hate how there was a scene made to look like animal cruelty, even if it wasn't real.The Toxic Avenger TrailerMay 07, 2023View
5513VideoCaps 2.0I know that's the poster for Hero At Large. My fingers were a little too fast, and I clicked on the wrong image. I know how to upload now, but I don't know how to edit after an upload.Hiding OutOct 01, 2021View
5131VideoBenjanimeweird how none of my recent video submissions never got uploaded. hmm...Paula Abdul for Reebok (1989)Feb 24, 2020View