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Displaying 1891-1900 of 5269 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
5562ArticlesquidbeeI hate seeing my old haunts closing down, so I feel you Vaporman87. For example, I love Dead Mall videos, but it hits me right in the feels whenever someone posts about my local mall. A place where I hung out and worked for many years. It looks like the skating rink from my youth is still open. I am honestly shocked because back in the 80s it looked to be on its last legs. Skating lessons are only 5 bucks. Maybe I should look into it. lol  Dec 07, 2021View
5068ArticleBenjanimeI hate to be "that guy" but killer instinct was super nintendo.Sega Genesis Games I OwnedOct 23, 2019View
894ArticleVaporman87I hate to be a downer, but I was not much of a fan of the second Gremlins film. It felt TOO campy for my tastes. Almost like one of those Disney "sequels" to their top line properties that go straight to home video release. Still, it had it's moments. I bet it was hard to bring yourself to crack open that package containing a mini "time capsule" of sorts. It's like your cracking open a bottle of the 80's that kind of hits you in the face for a second and then disappears. You ended up with some nice additions though. Thanks for sharing Miss M! Trading After MidnightDec 09, 2013View
5424Article I hated going back to schoolThe dreaded back to school phaseMay 15, 2021View
3020Articleechidna64I hated having to take the garbage out at night. We had an area at the end of our driveway that was completely dark and covered by trees. I was always scared that while I was fumbling with the garbage can I would get ambushed from behind. I used to run there and back as fast as I could!Childhood FearsOct 27, 2015View
2455ArticleBenjanimeI hated metropolis zone, with those bug looking enemies that toss their claws and the robot starfish that floats your way and shoots its thorns.Top Ten Video Games That I Played During SummerAug 04, 2015View
2860ArticleVaporman87I have (as you mentioned would be the case) never heard of this show. But it looks so funny. I love how cheesy it is... it even manages to out-cheese Power Rangers, and that's a feat. Great article and a very good breakdown of the show and your love for it. Thanks for this Poshy!Tattooed Teenage Alien Fighters from Beverly HillsOct 12, 2015View
1925ArticleAdamTheVictiniI have a changeable!!!!!! it's the big mac one! in great condition too!Timewarp: McDonald's 1988Feb 09, 2015View
3608ArticleVaporman87I have a feeling most of us have stories that would fit right in with the theme of this article. For myself, the first thing that comes to mind is that every year I asked for a golf cart, and every year I was disappointed. LOL. I wanted a golf cart to drive up and down the neighborhood in. I used to think it would be so incredibly cool. The closest I ever got was a four wheeler, and that's just not the same. I also wanted the U.S.S. Flagg, and never got that either. Nor did I get the Eternia playset. So yeah, I was disappointed a few times on Christmas. And man, can I relate to your feelings about extended family gifts. They are usually such "throw away" items that there doesn't even seem to be a point in opening them. Christmas 64Dec 20, 2016View
1163ArticleVaporman87I have a feeling these babies will become collector's items. I can foresee another 10 or so years down the road, these being pretty expensive (especially still sealed in the package). Maybe I should buy some now? Super Soaking Your VictimsJul 03, 2014View