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Displaying 181-190 of 5257 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
3290ArticleMissM@HojuKoolander I have a very eclectic taste in collecting. It's both a blessing and a curse. lol The Playskool People are so perfect for capturing the look of the times! That is such a great feel about it. I love that. R Rated toy lines are such a fascination, because I don't know that it would ever happen again like that. There was something really special about that time for toys. Now the R Rated stuff is just marketed for collectors. I'm really glad I was young during that toy collecting time. My dad was only mildly interested in collecting. He wanted to find the stuff that I was looking for, and he'd play with me for a little bit, but then he'd lose interest. lol It's an interesting thing. For example when Nintendo came out, he got one for us all to play. My mom and him actually played Mario, Duck Hunt, and Jaws for awhile, but once they got bored with it they never played a video game again. It's just interesting. I can't think of ever giving up playing a video game in some capacity. lol Anyways, hope all is going well! Jan 22, 2016View
2161ArticleVaporman87@JBS: Windows '95 was the best version ever. You got your computer at just the right time. The Summer of 1995Mar 26, 2015View
3814Articlepikachulover@Jeff1980 I love Garfield. Overrated shows from my childhoodApr 01, 2017View
5078ArticleBenjanime@jkatz i almost forgot about that! unfortunately i missed out on getting it but i can't remember why, i did have a distaste for the movie it was based on so maybe that was the reason.Favorite 1990s Happy Meal ToysNov 05, 2019View
4648ArticleBenjanime@jkatz oof, the matrix also inspired certain video games to borrow that bullet time effect as well from its success, it was nothing short of groundbreaking in cinema. The 2000s decade wasn't that badOct 29, 2018View
4380ArticleBenjanime@jkatz stardew valley has actually gotten a recent beta update on pc for co-op multiplayer and some other new features and should be ready for consoles sometime this month. definitely check it out! :) @vaporman bahaha! yeah that was the joy of using rpg maker, even the most ridiculous of a story could be made into a fun rpg. i heard the first rpg maker game on ps1 was very limited to how much you could put in a game and it ate away data at your memory cards, but it looked interesting! Top five indie games that rely on nostalgiaMay 08, 2018View
2358ArticleVaporman87@jkatz - Or something in the pasta.They Called Him TrinityJul 07, 2015View
4290ArticleOldSchool80s@jkatz "More Than a Feeling" was released in 1976 but this list only included songs released in the 80s.Top 80s Songs with Handclaps in themFeb 15, 2018View
2261ArticleHoju Koolander@jkatz Ghostbusters was #6 on the list. it's actually so bad I don't even consider it a game, just an abomination. I could never make anything work on that game, even after reading the instructions. I never even got far enough to find something to complain about.NES: The 5 Worst GamesMay 12, 2015View
4381ArticleHoju Koolander@jkatz Good eye, there!. Yep, it was a metal Luger cap gun. I got it when I moved into my brother's old room along with another awesome toy I mentioned in this article 90s BedroomMay 08, 2018View