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Displaying 1801-1810 of 5269 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
1769Articleechidna64I adore this article. It is amazing how many places are still "the same" i.e. the Chinese place Jan 08, 2015View
1773Articleechidna64Bot Jan 09, 2015View
1858Articleechidna64I had a similar experience when my parents bought the movie Excalibur for me because I was into medieval times and mythology, BOY was I surprised after the first ten minutes of the movie!Movie MisunderstandingsJan 30, 2015View
1870Articleechidna64Brings back memories!I think I had one for Crash DummiesColorforms, Shrinky Dinks, and Monster MakersJan 31, 2015View
1875Articleechidna64Same here, as the oldest of 5 siblings, my "cousin" was the closest to being an older brother. I agree, there was always something magical about visiting a new friend's house. For instance, I remember thinking that stacking the Sonic and Knuckles cartridge was pure wizardry! Sounds like you were the man! My dream was always to have a treehouse, I plan on building one when I have my own kiddos. The Older KidFeb 02, 2015View
1890Articleechidna64Excellent article! Church was always an awkward experience for me growing up. Even at a young age, I never really believed in what was being taught, I kind of half-heartedly went along with it (although I was a full blown sucker for Santa Claus). I remember one time during summer bible school the lesson of the day was that if you said "I accept Jesus into my heart" you would be saved. I remember thinking, that's it? Just one magic phrase and BOOM you're in like Flynn? Also, there was crucifixion reenactment that came with a parental warning lol This Is Why I'm Going To HellFeb 05, 2015View
1913Articleechidna64I'm so happy that we got to read this! You perfectly captured the good times and bad on Retrojunk. It's amazing how we shared such a strong bond of everything from 90's commercials to favorite junk foods. Just the other day I laughed good and hard the other day remembering why Debrisstorm was banned- over an image of poop LOL Long live Debris!Remembering RetroJunkFeb 09, 2015View
1950Articleechidna64Cosgrove! I've missed you man!Remembering RetroJunkFeb 10, 2015View
1951Articleechidna64I've totally been there Hoju, after I had my tonsils removed and ate ice cream for a week, my diet was completely thrown into a loop. That's so awesome that you were elected homecoming king! I was voted "Most Changed" in my high school yearbook but nothing must compare to that tremendous honor! Thank you for sharing these memories with us, even if some of them were painful.Being The Fat KidFeb 10, 2015View
1955Articleechidna64I miss those threads on RJ where the title is like "Favorite Sci-Fi movies" and then somebody lists over 100 movies in one post lolRemembering RetroJunkFeb 10, 2015View