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Displaying 1721-1730 of 5269 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
1887ArticleOldSchool80sI think you are right on with your comment towards the end: "One of the many reasons why I like RetroDaze is because we are given a chance to share these precious memories and many times, people can relate." Feb 05, 2015View
1888ArticleVaporman87Ha! What a story. That is just cruel of your brother. I feel so bad for the young you, lying in bed, scared to death of your fate. Sadly, it is this type of thing that turns people away from most Christian denominations, and religion altogether. They don't like the idea of the slightest wrong doing damning them to a life in H-E-double hockey sticks (LOL). The truth is far more complicated than that, and likely none of us truly know it fully. But how could a child possibly understand that? That is why, unlike my parents, I do not wish for my kids to hear the "fire and brimstone" sermons. They can't comprehend it, and it will only make their life miserable at a time when they need to be loving it. No pastor or laymen is our judge, and nothing they say is infallible. Such things must be discovered and dealt with at a more appropriate age, and through their own research and contemplation. I don't want my kids scared into my religion. I want them to choose. Naturally, I want them to choose a certain path, but I can't allow them to be coerced by fear or guilt. That won't lead to a full or rich experience at all. Of course, they WILL deal with fear and guilt. But they must be able to comprehend a much larger picture. And right now, they can't. Anyway, on a lighter note, I LOVE the captions to the pictures! LOL. "there IS the matter of this 'thumb' thing". Awesome.This Is Why I'm Going To HellFeb 05, 2015View
1889ArticleVaporman87Ha! Two articles in one week with Simpsons references (the other by fuschnikt)... that's got to be a record! I had no idea The Simpsons had their very own magazine. I should have figured though, as in the 90's everything had it's own magazine. I like all the "inside" information that was in these. Though I was never really a huge Simpsons fan, I did catch it now and then. Not enough to know about some of the more obscure characters that got better treatment in these pages. I owned very little Simpsons merchandise, but I did buy a Simpsons cassette tape with music on it, sung by the Simpsons themselves. I wonder if that's worth money on Ebay now? Simpsons Illustrated and 90's Magazine AdsFeb 05, 2015View
1890Articleechidna64Excellent article! Church was always an awkward experience for me growing up. Even at a young age, I never really believed in what was being taught, I kind of half-heartedly went along with it (although I was a full blown sucker for Santa Claus). I remember one time during summer bible school the lesson of the day was that if you said "I accept Jesus into my heart" you would be saved. I remember thinking, that's it? Just one magic phrase and BOOM you're in like Flynn? Also, there was crucifixion reenactment that came with a parental warning lol This Is Why I'm Going To HellFeb 05, 2015View
1891ArticleHoju Koolander@Vaporman87 That's The Simpsons Sing the Blues, my friend. I have it on CD and Cassette! I often find myself singing "Look At All Those Idiots" or "Deep, Deep Trouble" to this day. You didn't watch The Simpsons? Are you a communist? j/k What were you watching instead?Simpsons Illustrated and 90's Magazine AdsFeb 05, 2015View
1892ArticleHoju KoolanderNice story, kept me in suspense wondering what the thumb thing was, then no explanation! Scholars will debate it for centuries. If anything I think your brother would go to hell for tricking you into that. Seems like rather devilish behavior to me. But if that was the case, every kid who ever said, "Psych!" would probably be feeling the poke of a pitchfork as well. This Is Why I'm Going To HellFeb 05, 2015View
1893ArticleVaporman87I had reached that point in my life where sports became important to me (namely basketball and hockey) so I was watching that, or Unsolved Mysteries, and some of the sitcoms like Cheers, Night Court, etc.Simpsons Illustrated and 90's Magazine AdsFeb 06, 2015View
1894ArticlefuschniktThanks guys. I was unsure about posting this one. religion can be a weird subject for people. But I figured, if people are going to be posting about family stuff, this is my family stuff. So, why not? Besides, it also has a lot to do with the whole big brother/little brother dynamic. I actually teach Sunday school now. 2nd grade. Vaporman, you make some great points about children and religion. Having this story under my belt helps me a lot. Kids can take things very seriously. They see the world very differently than a grown up and think in different ways. Black and white, almost. As this story can attest, I fully believed that what I did was bad, and there was no coming back from it. In Sunday school I make sure that these kids know that there is a long life ahead of them. They may make mistakes, they may feel guilty about things or bad for doing things, but there is nothing you can't come back from. We take the opportunity to lay a foundation of the faith. We teach the stories and themes, the big picture stuff can come later when they are ready to really think about it, relate to it, and form their own real thoughts about it. This Is Why I'm Going To HellFeb 06, 2015View
1895ArticleVaporman87Very well said fuschnikt. Those kids are in good hands with you.This Is Why I'm Going To HellFeb 06, 2015View
1896VideoMr MagicA Michael Bay film that didn't fail miserably. Imagine that.Armageddon Theatrical TrailerFeb 08, 2015View