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Displaying 161-170 of 5257 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
581ArticleAceNThaHoleLove all these songs. A cool collection that I wish I had burned on a cd or something. hmmmm, thats a good idea come to think of it Apr 16, 2013View
582ArticleOldSchool80sSo glad you all enjoyed it! Appreciate the comments.Top Songs from the 80s about MONEYApr 17, 2013View
586ArticleraptorDidn't catch this myself but I remember all the backlash from not finding anything in there. Plus Geraldo had a big career in showbiz after that so it all worked out. I just remember when he got his nose broken on his show, that was so funny!The Mystery of Al Capone's VaultApr 23, 2013View
600ArticleVaporman87An awesome article that's right in my wheelhouse. As for my favorite of the two, I would naturally gravitate toward He-Man because that is the show I watched regularly in my childhood. But I can see why, having no prior experience with either, one would choose as you have. There is a bit more creativity in the characters and stories in She-Ra, but without He-Man there would be no She-Ra. So a bit of what makes She-Ra good is owed to He-Man. You mentioned Paul Dini who was very good at making the most of what he was given. But most folks in the "He-Man" cognoscenti will quickly refer to Larry DiTillo as their favorite episode writer. He is credited with creating some of the series most beloved (non-Mattel) characters (who are just now, with the advent of the Masters of the Universe Classics series, getting their first taste of action figure love). His most famous creation being Granamyr, the oldest and wisest dragon of Darksmoke (I own the "classics" Granamyr figure and it's HUGE!). Larry also did episode writing for the 2002 He-Man series, and there he is also considered to have written some of the best episodes... especially those dealing with origin stories. Thanks for this article shakin! I really enjoyed it. New Eyes on He-Man and She-RaApr 30, 2013View
601ArticleAceNThaHoleI didnt catch either of these much. But later I bought season 1 of Heman and I did like it quite a bit. The stories are alot deeper than you would think from what are basically comercials for the toys that last 30 minutes. They could have just pumped out pure crap but they went for quality, and thats rare.New Eyes on He-Man and She-RaApr 30, 2013View
602ArticleraptorWelcome to the world of He-man and She-ra shakin. I liked both shows growing up but always prefered BraveStarr over them, which was another Filmation show. If you ask me, Hordak is a better villian than Skeletor but both dudes had their good qualities.New Eyes on He-Man and She-RaMay 01, 2013View
603Articleshakin steakI will keep an eye out for DiTillo episodes. I mainly recognized Dini from his credits on Batman TAS. First time I saw his name on the opening shot of a He-Man episode I was like "Holy ****!" I think that was my first clue that there is some quality in there. I've watched a few episodes of Bravestarr; so far it hasn't really grabbed me. Same with Ghostbusters.New Eyes on He-Man and She-RaMay 03, 2013View
604ArticleVaporman87I think with Bravestarr, you have a lack of interesting characters. With He-Man, you could introduce new characters from the line and kids would feel invested in them simply because they had the action figure of that character. With Bravestarr, you lack that connection because of it's success was more dependent on the show as opposed to a toy line.New Eyes on He-Man and She-RaMay 03, 2013View
605Articleshakin steakBut I lack that connection with He-Man, too.New Eyes on He-Man and She-RaMay 03, 2013View
606ArticleAceNThaHoleHas anybody seen the Heman movie here, from the 80s?New Eyes on He-Man and She-RaMay 03, 2013View