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Displaying 1531-1540 of 5269 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
1940ArticleNLogan@Vapor I also disliked the backpage. It is already inherent in the popular just on the other end of the spectrum. I didn't like missing articles all together that were instantly voted down as they were posted because the user was disliked in the forums by a select few. There were some articles that never got a chance and that probably influenced a few to never write articles or never write an article again.  Feb 10, 2015View
1944ArticleNLogan@vapor the irony is that it was my vote that did it. In the good old days of Retro*Junk it wasn't about the votes at all it was about sharing all of the oh yeah I totally remember that things that you had come across as an adult that sparked that nostalgia feeling and brought back childhood for a brief moment. I had already submitted my article that won the contest before even knowing the was a contest. We all just were trying to stir up those feelings until the popularity contest got involved. Remembering RetroJunkFeb 10, 2015View
1947ArticleNLogan@vkimo I know his real name but he prefers anonymity and has set up a Retro Machine Facebook page for fans of his old articles. Here is his email, well his fan one anyways: theretromachine@gmail.comRemembering RetroJunkFeb 10, 2015View
1978ArticleNLoganMaybe we are so nostalgic because we needed toys and comic books to get through tough times. My parents are also divorced. I lived with my mom in apartment after apartment and went from school to school. I was perpetually the new kid. Now I always had my twin brother to play with but I was also jealous of those kids with the best friends they had known all of their lives. I had plenty of friends but never the life long kind. Three elementary schools, 3 Jr. Highs, and a high school later I relied heavily on my possessions that always came with me. I regret a few things that I did directed towards others as a kid. Being a new kid and a runt I had my share of being picked on, but we also knew well how to fight having ample opportunity. I had a fairly violent childhood. There was also two of us to tangle with and we weren't above blindsiding and dirty fighting. What did it matter we would probably be moving soon anyways. This article more than anything brings perspective on the changes now that we are adults and what we want our children to experience as they grow. Being The Fat KidFeb 12, 2015View
2062ArticleNLogan<img style="width: 471px; height: 346px;" src="/images/postImages/1425680625gammoreantuck.gif"> Don't forget that under Friar Tuck's robes was a Gammorean Guard body! <img src="/images/postImages/1425680812gammoreantuck2.gif">Kenner Action Toy Guide '91Mar 06, 2015View
2767ArticleNLogan<img src=""> Charon the Boatman of the Clash of the Titans figure line and Scareglow of the Masters of the Universe top my list along with Skeletor. Here are a few more not mentioned: The entire MTC Nightmare Warriors figures line were skeletons from different eras Major Bones WWII Soldier, Spartacus Roman Legionnaire, Geronimo Indian Warrior, Sir Lancelot Knight, Captain Kid Pirate, and Pancho Villa Revolutionary. Ribs and Crossbones of Remco's Pirates of the Galaxseas line, Skullman and Skullface of the Remco Warrior Beasts line, Jewel Thief of the Remco Conan line, Skulkur of the Hasbro Conan line, the Skeletons of Sith and the Lich of LJN's Advanced Dungeons and Dragons PVC figures line, Prime Evil and Scared Stiff of Shaper's Filmation's Ghostbusters figures line, T-800 Endoskeleton of Kenner's Terminator 2 line, D Compose of Hasbro's Inhumanoids line, and all of Kenner's skeletal dinosaurs of the Bone Age figures line.5 Coolest Retro Skeleton Action FiguresOct 04, 2015View
2769ArticleNLoganLike a ninja, move like the wind, blend into shadow, silent like the grave, never be seen that is my motto. Especially when trying to escape a public bathroom I have destroyed after waiting until it is completely vacated before hastily making my exit from the stall before blame can be placed. Also I just realized my favorite skeleton figures are all made by Mattel Charon from Clash of the Titans, Scareglow and Skeletor from Masters of the Universe.5 Coolest Retro Skeleton Action FiguresOct 04, 2015View
2779ArticleNLogan<img style="width: 276px; height: 206px;" src="/images/postImages/1444088763halloween - 2011 - chris 135.jpg"> Wanna be true believer here. We have always decorated the house to the gills; but confession here, most years we turned out the lights and left to do trick-or-treating of our own. We usually wait until our immediate neighbors send their kids around then leave ourselves and hit their houses. I trick-or-treated until a ripe old age because my little brother came around and was 14 years younger than me and well he needed someone to show him the ropes. Then my kids came and I still trick-or-treat with them. My years my little brother's years my sons' years = well over twenty years of trick-or-treating! I always buy good stuff plus i.e. good candy bars plus small Halloween toys to throw in the cauldron. Some years a grandparent mans the door as we make our yearly rounds but most of the time there are few trick-or-treaters as we live on the side of a mountain and little legs tire quickly. The spoils of the cauldron get mixed in with my sons' haul at the end of the night. For a few years in high school we had dummys in the yard and were mixed in with them in costume, other years we have had mini-haunted houses etc. I look forward with dread and delight to when my kids are too old to go and the parties/decorations we can do when we can properly man our stations at home for All Hallow's Eve. <img src="/images/postImages/1444088640Halloween2005boo.gif">The Unsung Heroes of HalloweenOct 05, 2015View
2780ArticleNLoganOh and for those that may be wary of language there are a few choice words at the end of the video.The Unsung Heroes of HalloweenOct 06, 2015View
2791ArticleNLoganPeanut butter is my kryptonite, since I am allergic. My favorite Halloween candies would be anything unique received, like last year my boys got gummy brains in a jar. I like Kit Kats, Twix, Hershey bars and Hershey's with almonds, M and Ms (it won't let me use an ampersand?), York Peppermint Patties, and anything gummy but especially gummy Lifesavers.Benjanime's Top Ten Halloween CandiesOct 07, 2015View