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Displaying 1531-1540 of 5269 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
3831ArticleLazloThanks OldSchool80s. Its a pleasure to keep '80s memories alive. Apr 11, 2017View
3816ArticleRick Ace RhodesCool article Hoju. I was a huge Power Rangers junkie back in the day. I was more into the later Saban seasons though. I would say my craze was more from In Space to Time Force. After Time Force and the series now being controlled by Disney, it just didn't feel the same. After that the only series I really got into was SPD. And you wanna talk about price gouging? Try getting older Power Rangers toy now and days. Just getting a brand new in box regular figure will set you back an $50. The Megazords are even worse, with new in box versions going for hundreds of dollars.RJ Classics: Power Rangers MemoriesApr 03, 2017View
3820ArticlejkatzI sadly missed the boat on the Power Rangers craze back in the day, though I probably had a few toys here and there. What I do enjoy nowadays is old episodes of Kamen Rider, a cousin of sorts to the series. RJ Classics: Power Rangers MemoriesApr 03, 2017View
3827ArticleHoju Koolander@jkatz Yeah, Kamen Rider always seemed like the Batman of that Super Sentai universe. I watched the Americanized Masked Rider show briefly and though it was goofy, I'll always love it for introducing me toy favorite "so bad it's good" movie, Tiger Heart featuring the star T.J. Roberts. @Rick Ace Rhodes I have seen a few episodes of the In Space version and thought it was a cool re-invention of the franchise, even if it seemingly falls into the "what do you do when a show runs out of ideas? Send them to space!" category.RJ Classics: Power Rangers MemoriesApr 04, 2017View
3828ArticleRick Ace Rhodes@Hoju Which was probably on the producers minds, given that the very next season (Lost Galaxy) was another space season despite it's Sentai counterpart being more based around "nature" and "Earth".RJ Classics: Power Rangers MemoriesApr 06, 2017View
3786ArticleNLoganI never bought anything from the ads but I read them all. Monster door posters, gags, etc all looked pretty cool. I just never thought it would be worth it. Now I wish I had.Halftone WondersMar 21, 2017View
3787ArticlejkatzLook at how all the x-ray goggles listings make sure to use words like "apparently"and "seemingly". Is it just recycled copy, or are they trying to protect themselves from a false advertising lawsuit? Great article btw! I wonder what happened to all the junk that they never ended up selling-is it still in a warehouse somewhere in Jersey?Halftone WondersMar 21, 2017View
3790ArticleHoju KoolanderTo answer your question, I totally mailed away for my Olympic sales kit and managed one sale of Christmas cards to my friend's Mom before giving up my dreams​ of earning enough points for a rock tumbler. I also ordered some novelty pranks like Rattlesnake Eggs and the mouse trap chewing gum pack. I used to love the Things You Never Knew Existed and Can't Possibly Live Without catalog as well. During the 90s comic book boom Mile High opened a location in Anaheim, CA that was massive. I loved going through that store and even got some "Collectors Item" comics from an in store auction.Halftone WondersMar 22, 2017View
3802Articleshakin steakHey NLogan, no kidding! I wonder what one of those $1.00 Marvel membership cards would go for on eBay now. A lot more than a buck, I bet! jkatz -- I'm sure they did that for legal reasons. As far as the new-old stock...probably long dispersed by now, if there even was much made and unsold in the first place. I don't guess there was a lot, but I could be wrong.Halftone WondersMar 26, 2017View
3803Articleshakin steakHoju Koolander! Thanks for reply. I know what you mean about giving up dreams... there was a song in grade school chorus that was really inspirational. I tried to realistically figure out how I could get enough money to accomplish my dream of obtaining enough money ($90) to buy a Gameboy... I gave up on that pretty quick, lolHalftone WondersMar 26, 2017View