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1511ArticleVaporman87This article is right in my wheelhouse! Around the mid to late 80's, I got my first video camera. This camera, however, was not the standard VHS camcorders we are all familiar with. The first camera I got was the infamous Fisher Price PXL 2000. <img src=""> The camera that now has a cult following <a href="">cult following</a>. I mostly used it to record dumb things like my hamster pooping on our kitchen table and such. In fact, I still have some of the cassette tapes with the video on them. However, I lost/sold??? my PXL 2000 years ago, and have no way of viewing any video that may still be on them. If I am to buy another PXL 2000, it's going to be costly (as they fetch $200 to $500 on Ebay). Later on, I got a REAL camera for Christmas... and the rest is history. We made movies like they were going out of style. Most of them were just dreadful and stupid. There were the occasional "above mediocre" films that we did. One of them I have uploaded to the site... <a href="">The Lost Few</a>. That particular version of the movie is a remastered one. The original cut was so bad! Watch the remastered version, then try to imagine how it could be so much worse. Then try to come to the realization that it is. LOL We would mostly film silly comedy stuff. Filming something serious would require a budget and effects unless it was a drama, and since we hated dramas, we rarely made anything outside of comedy stuff. I have whole collections of VHS tapes with our videos. I've put some of them to DVD for the sake of preserving them, while adding a few touches to help improve some of them (with better audio quality or some better editing and such. We would probably agree (we, as in me and about 2 or 3 of my friends) that our signature characters were LongBlade and Dark Wrath (from The Lost Few). But we did do some funny characters like Perv Deathwave or the brothers from the Day Series (a series of shorts where I and my brother fight to the death with weapons that are harmless, yet somehow cause us as much pain as real weapons, lol). I could go on and on and on about this. And I probably will in the days ahead. ;) Now, time to go watch the Rakeman series. :) Nov 17, 2014View
1513ArticleVaporman87Great job on the Rakeman movies! There were some really good jokes in there. You are especially good in them. I can see Weird Al Yankovic in you... like you could be related, and even share a similar sense of humor. LOL I dug up an <a href="">ancient thread containing DVD and Menu art</a> from Lost Few for the remastered version, for your perusal. ;)Making Movies on VHSNov 18, 2014View
1515ArticleHoju KoolanderThanks for the kind words about Rakeman, I am in the process of remastering it and then I will post it to Home Movies section per your suggestion. I finally got a chance to watch The Lost Few and Dark Wrath is awesome! Is that you? Excellent sword work and I love the cardboard armor, I used to make similar costume pieces for myself. The Day Series sounds pretty hilarious. UHF is one of my favorite movies and Weird Al was my musical icon until I was 12, so I take any association as a compliment. I am very distantly related to Al, he is my sister in law's brother in law's cousin. My brother met him at a family gathering a few years back. And that, as Al would say, is my "Lame Claim To Fame". Making Movies on VHSNov 19, 2014View
1516ArticleVaporman87I played Allister and Marc Drake in The Lost Few (the guys that both die, LOL). There was much more dialogue between the characters in the original version, but it was so poorly acted and full of convoluted story elements that it all had to go. It was far better to rewrite the important parts and place them in as narration spoken by one of my friends (who was also in some of our movies back in the day). I would like to have had John Holsinger do the narration, but as you saw at the end of the movie, he passed away in 2007 from complications from diabetes. That was hard to swallow, even though we hadn't really been in touch for many years. Making Movies on VHSNov 19, 2014View
1517ArticleVaporman87During the 90's, when Image Comics was sweeping through comic book stores, I became a fan of Ripclaw from Cyber Force, Union, and Savage Dragon. But prior to that, I was a big Iron Man and Ghost Rider fan. Iron Man being my number 1 fav. I had a long running subscription to Iron Man, and always looked forward to getting a new issue in the mail. In the 80's, Iron Man wasn't exactly a hot property. He was basically a B team guy, usually playing on bit parts in any big story arcs and on television. But I always thought he was cool. Plus, his name was Tony, my name was Tony... it was just natural. LOL Then when Iron Man became THE name in Marvel Comic movies... I was really pleased... and Robert Downey Jr. is awesome as Stark. I really loved the Iron Monger storyline in the first film, because that story was playing out in the comics during my comic book reading heyday. My Top 5 Favorite Comic Book CharactersNov 19, 2014View
1518Articlecomic_book_fani like iron man pretty good too i think Robert Downey JR was one of the most obvious choices in comic movie history it is right next to Patrick Stewart as Xavier and Kelsey grammar as beast. i also liked savage dragon i am going to do a lot of top 5 articles coming up i am new to writing articles and they are the easiest for me to do. My Top 5 Favorite Comic Book CharactersNov 19, 2014View
1519VideoMr MagicHave a nice day, everyone! Mankind would want you to.Mankind Warns YouNov 19, 2014View
1520ArticleNLoganMy favorite growing up was Wolverine also but pre-1990. Back when you only had to collect ONE book to see him, Uncanny X-men. Maybe, he had a cameo in a couple of other books during the whole year. If you picked up around 80 or so non X-men appearances in other books (including his mini-series, Secret Wars, Marvel Universe, Wolverine and Kitty Pryde, and a bunch of guest shots, or comedy books that weren't even canon)you had a complete Logan collection from his first appearance in 1974 to 1988 when he got his first on-going solo series. Now-a-days it seems like he is in 80 different books each month. When I was a kid tops I had holds for titles in my pull list at the local comic shop for Uncanny X-men, Classic X-Men, Wolverine Mini, Wolverine, Incredible Hulk, and Amazing Spider-Man and I would pick up whatever extra that caught my eye while picking up said books in the store. I quit collecting during the no nose bone claws feral Wolverine era in the early 90s. If I were to do a favorites list of comic characters I think I would throw some villains in there as well as I like some of them better than the heroes.My Top 5 Favorite Comic Book CharactersNov 19, 2014View
1521ArticleHoju KoolanderYour point about The Thing is great. He really is a grounded character and despite being seemingly grumpy, he really brings a lot of levity to dire circumstances with this wit. I ended up being anti-popular characters when I really started collecting comics in the 90s. I always went for the B-Teamers like Darkhawk and The Ray or Resurrection Man (maybe they're more C-List, actually). I mean I had some Spider-Man stuff (Mostly 2099 and Ben Reilly in "Sensational"), but usually I wanted "What If...?" stories or Elseworlds tales. The status quo was always boring to me, I wanted the stuff they took chances on. My Top 5 Favorite Comic Book CharactersNov 19, 2014View
1522Articlecomic_book_fanthe villains are a different discussion i will do that list later.My Top 5 Favorite Comic Book CharactersNov 19, 2014View