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Displaying 1271-1280 of 5269 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
4460ArticleVaporman87Such great memories from some amazing places. Here's to hoping you guys finally get to make the trip to "the most magical place on Earth". And if you do, keep an eye out for a special dollar bill hidden safely away on Tom Sawyer Island. LOL Jun 18, 2018View
2177ArticleVaporman87Such an awesome and epic read. I was reminded so much of the dogs of my youth. My first dog was named King, and though I don't recall what type he was, I do know he was about the size of a wiener dog and was black and brown. The next dog I owned was the most special to me. Suzie was a Norwegian Elk Hound. She had that characteristic curled up tail and long fur... grey and black in color. We had her from the time she was a puppy, until I was forced to move from the house I grew up in because of my mom and dad's divorce and her deciding to move to another town. She ended up at my cousin's house where I would occasionally visit her. I have video of one of those visits to remember her with. She was very special to me. I even wrote a song about her when I was young. LOL. I miss that dog. The Dog Days of ChildhoodMar 30, 2015View
2242VideoVaporman87Such a highly underrated movie. Good stuff.Time BanditsMay 07, 2015View
4761ArticleVaporman87Such a heartfelt and difficult to read second part. The cruelty of kids never ceased to amaze me. However, I think in some ways bullying was actually worse when we were young. It was highly unlikely you could do ANYTHING to make it stop. Trying to only made things worse, as you found out. Nowadays with all the attention that bullying receives, the act itself is almost taboo. Naturally that doesn’t stop it from happening, and with the advent of cyber bullying, the opportunities to bully have increased significantly... but it seems that it isn’t so much that bullying is worse, but instead the ability of kids to deal with it has been extremely hampered. Looking forward to part three!Being An 80's and 90's Fat Kid Part 2Dec 25, 2018View
352ArticleVaporman87Such a great list! I think you have done a remarkable job capturing the whole range of styles of classic 80's vehicles. I love that you inlcuded the burnt up station wagon from "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles" and Lane Myer's Camaro. I would only add 3 to this list, probably only as honorable mentions; "Rubber Duck's" Mack from "Convoy", the ghostly diesel truck from "Duel", and the tank from... well... "Tank". Thank so much Old School for presenting this list to us. Such a great read! And for those who have not already, I recommend you stop by his blog as linked to in the article. There is SO much good retro stuff there to chew on!Top 30 Cars & Trucks from 80s Movies & TVFeb 18, 2013View
2513ArticleoniparSuch a great article! It's funny too because I just ordered the 5-pack of NES games here on RD, and one of the games I chose was Little Nemo. I don't think I've ever played the game before though, now I'm really looking forward to it. Little NemoAug 13, 2015View
3055ArticleoniparSuch a great article! I actually missed the whole n64 craze (as well as wrestling). I stopped playing video games altogether after the Genesis, and really didn't dip my toes back in until Xbox360/PS3. The funny thing is, I currently have several N64 systems and most of those wrestling games sitting around my place right now. :-)A Look Back at the Nintendo 64 Wrestling GamesOct 30, 2015View
3136ArticleVaporman87Such a great article, and a great subject for one. It's crazy to think that, even with the catering to smokers going on in the 80's, it's nothing compared to the way smoking was treated in the 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's, and 60's. Smoking was just cool and no big health issue then. By the 80's, we were pretty well caught up on the dangers of smoking. Yet it still held a firm grip on the market. Comparing that to today, there has been a definite progression. And thank goodness for that! No more smoke-filled restaurants and bowling alleys. No more need to ask the guy in front of you to put please put out his cig. Yes, smoking is pretty frowned upon by today's society... and I am glad of that. That isn't to say that smoking doesn't still affect us though. Especially here in hillybilly central, smoking is a big thing. I go into the gas station every morning and I am almost guaranteed to be standing behind somebody buying their daily dose of carcinogenic sticks. We may not SEE it as much, but the addictions are still ever present. Smoking In the 80'sDec 01, 2015View
4736ArticleVaporman87Such a great ad. I love seeing on TV every year. Sort of like the Campbell's Soup commercial with the snowman melting into a kid.Hershey's Kisses Christmas Bells CommercialDec 19, 2018View
444ArticleVaporman87Such a fun read! I could fill up an article of my own with my various "mostly legal" hijinks. I was not a bad kid either, but we did some things now and then that were probably not nice. :) I think you should make it your mission to get on top of your old school house and see if you can find that ball. THAT would be something I would want video of. Kind of like when Geraldo opened Al Capone's safe. DO IT! DO IT! DO IT! C'mon everyone... in unison! Thanks for this shakin!MINOR TROUBLEFeb 25, 2013View