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Displaying 1101-1110 of 5269 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
4608ArticleNLoganWow I never even saw half of those back in the day. For sure I saw the Batman stuff with the light up belt, etc. The Wolverine stuff (the claws really put me off) never got it, and the Magneto stuff. That Spider-Man one is the coolest along with the Batman mask. Oct 07, 2018View
4607ArticleBenjanimei can't recall too well of the halloween related activities my schools had, except for one when i believe was during preschool and the entire class took part in a beanbag toss and earning candy. but to make things fair the teacher made sure nobody felt like a loser and everyone got an equal amount of candy, regardless if they missed shots.Retrojunk Classic: The 90's Holiday Trilogy: HalloweenOct 06, 2018View
4606ArticleSupermanI think my fondest Halloween memories at school involved the time I dressed up as Batman and my best friend, by complete coincidence, was dressed as Robin. I also remember really enjoying my school's haunted house that was set up in the library one year. If I remember correctly, our gym teacher was dressed as Frankenstein's monster and jumped out and grabbed one random kid from each class that went through the haunted house.Retrojunk Classic: The 90's Holiday Trilogy: HalloweenOct 06, 2018View
4605ArticleSupermanI don't remember owning any dress-up kits, but I probably would have loved that Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Turtle Battle Fun Set.80's Toy Dress-Up KitsOct 06, 2018View
4604ArticleSupermanIt's very cool that a kid of today would be into a cartoon from the '80s. That's very rare. I can kind of relate to him, though, because I was hugely into things from my mom's childhood in the '60s that none of my friends knew anything about, most especially the Beach Party movies starring Annette Funicello and Frankie Avalon. This was back in the '90s and early '00s, so things like that just weren't a big enough part of pop culture anymore for my friends to have heard of them.Interview With A 10 Year Old He-Man FanOct 06, 2018View
4602ArticleSupermanWhile I can't say that I remember any of these blocks specifically, I totally miss seeing holiday-themed blocks like this.Kid Channel Halloween TreatsOct 06, 2018View
4600ArticleVaporman87Typically our elementary school would have a festival that mostly featured games, a cake walk, and a haunted house experience that was tame enough for kids, but dark enough to make an adult a little uneasy.Retrojunk Classic: The 90's Holiday Trilogy: HalloweenOct 03, 2018View
4599ArticleNLoganYeesh. Confusing indeed! First I have heard of Oo-Lar (what a dumb name). I tell you in 1982 all the mini-comics from Alcala: HE-MAN and the Power Sword, the Battle in the Clouds, King of Castle Grayskull, and The Vengeance of Skeletor were the only backstory we had for HE-MAN. Now you are telling me that the HE-MAN I played with and read about wasn't even the same HE-MAN as Adam from Filmation because some dude retconned it for the current Classics line in 2015 to date. Ludicrous! Anything after 1987 is non-existent to me I care not for whatever backstory they come up with. <img src="/images/postImages/153856729301.jpg">Interview With A 10 Year Old He-Man FanOct 03, 2018View
4595ArticleVaporman87Then when they actually produced him in 2009, they changed his story again to be a contemporary of King Grayskull. No wonder it's so confusing.Interview With A 10 Year Old He-Man FanOct 02, 2018View
4594ArticleVaporman87NLogan: I see what you're saying. Yes, originally that line was going to place He-Ro in the past. Good call. I have apparently allowed that to forever escape my memory. LOL. However, I never personally counted the mini-comics as "canon" in the MOTU universe because they were all over the place in terms of storylines and characters, with very little consistency (the whole Oo-Larr/Jungle He-Man story comes to mind). I was drawing on the story that Lou Scheimer was going to tell through the <a href="">never produced cartoon </a> he was pitching. Figuring that the cartoon would be developing the characters (of which there would be action figures) if both were ever produced, He-Ro would turn out to be the son (albeit adopted) of King Adam (He-Man).Interview With A 10 Year Old He-Man FanOct 02, 2018View