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Displaying 1031-1040 of 5269 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
1884Articlefuschnikt@Vapor Thanks! It means a lot! Truly! I'd love to see one of these Boglin videos someday. I'll see what I can do with the video. I'm not very technically astute. @Hoju I think my Boglin probably meet the same ultimate fate as yours. Fragile creatures in the hands off young children. As for the birthday question..I wish I could tell you. I know I had parties before. I've seen photos. But I was just turning four, so I'm sure calendars were meaningless to me. I still can't explain how nobody would have clued me in. Maybe they did and I was just to busy doing kid things to take heed? @Pika I never had any Ponies or Care Bears. I did have a Cabbage Patch though. For some time I carried him around just like Buddy in the commercials. He was my My Buddy.  Feb 04, 2015View
1885ArticlefuschniktI wasn't the oldest kid, but I did have a treehouse. Nothing that elaborate, though. I guess my brother could have been the older kid. Except he never really hung around us younger kids. On occasion, however, he did let us throw snaps at him while he ran around the yard.The Older KidFeb 04, 2015View
1894ArticlefuschniktThanks guys. I was unsure about posting this one. religion can be a weird subject for people. But I figured, if people are going to be posting about family stuff, this is my family stuff. So, why not? Besides, it also has a lot to do with the whole big brother/little brother dynamic. I actually teach Sunday school now. 2nd grade. Vaporman, you make some great points about children and religion. Having this story under my belt helps me a lot. Kids can take things very seriously. They see the world very differently than a grown up and think in different ways. Black and white, almost. As this story can attest, I fully believed that what I did was bad, and there was no coming back from it. In Sunday school I make sure that these kids know that there is a long life ahead of them. They may make mistakes, they may feel guilty about things or bad for doing things, but there is nothing you can't come back from. We take the opportunity to lay a foundation of the faith. We teach the stories and themes, the big picture stuff can come later when they are ready to really think about it, relate to it, and form their own real thoughts about it. This Is Why I'm Going To HellFeb 06, 2015View
1967VideofuschniktSo true. I didn't go in for a lot of variants. Just undercover Don. I also had the Donatello from this line. I liked to make him pogo on his enemies. TMNT MutationsFeb 11, 2015View
1979Articlefuschnikt@vapor- Man, I could go for some Oreo cereal myself. So many cereals on my list of products I would welcome back. S'mores cereal, anyone? The real stuff. The stuff made with golden graham pieces. Not that sad excuse from the 00's. Pop Tart's cereal? Ninja Turtles? Turtle pies, for that matter..This could go on for hours. @pikachulover- How close are you to the border? Canada has one existing Fruitopia flavor..Strawberry Passion Awareness. If I remember correctly, it was a good one. You can even order it here.. Are Going To Be OKFeb 12, 2015View
1990VideofuschniktHa! Yes. I am actually recalling, I had a volleyball Don. He had a fanny pack. Also, he had a classic bomb style volleyball. So that was pretty cool. TMNT MutationsFeb 12, 2015View
2249VideofuschniktHe has the unique distinction of having actual human hands. Also, his bit in the Muppet Family Christmas special, trying so hard to cook that turkey, perfect. Croonchy Stars CerealMay 11, 2015View
3191ArticlefuschniktLove this. I can relate to hand-me-down toys and Goodwill clothes. My parents saved money wherever they could. Now-a-days, our church does the giving tree thing, too. Every year my family grabs two, a boy and a girl. At our church it is pretty anonymous, so inviting anybody to dinner would be out of the question. Sometimes I wonder what the reaction would be to the gifts we put together. Mostly, though, I'm just happy to be giving. I'd love to see this awesome picture you mention sometime. Christmas YuleogyDec 12, 2015View
3193ArticlefuschniktThat truly is awesome! Thanks, man. I dig it. I can totally see looking at that thing for hours.Christmas YuleogyDec 12, 2015View
3217VideofuschniktHa! My band plays a ska-punk version of this!Family Matters IntroDec 14, 2015View