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Displaying 1021-1030 of 5269 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
1099ArticleDoctorRyanYeah, that's what got me burned out on a lot of everything. Overexposure. Saturday mornings to me were almost as holy as Sundays are to Christians.  May 24, 2014View
1100ArticleVaporman87Nothing so wondrous as our childhood toy collections, is there? Like you, I tended to take my figures out of their traditional roles and re-purpose them for my own storylines. I think I have mentioned before that many times my G.I. Joe figures took on new personae in the form of my schoolmates. That happened quite a bit, and usually Baroness was my boyhood crush. LOL I can recall the nice selection of Batman Animated action figures. That was truly a classic show, and one that produced a wealth of characters to draw from. I can also recall the night my friend and I went to watch The Matrix, and then hit up Toys 'R Us for their late night introduction of the Phantom Menace toys. There was so much hope for those movies then. What a let down. >:[ I'm looking forward to Part Two kstrom! The Evolution of FunMay 27, 2014View
1101ArticleVaporman87That's such an odd set up for a school schedule. I've never heard of such a thing. Typically, our schedule was traditional, as you mentioned. We would be back in school by late August, and out around the first of June, with all the typical breaks in between. The final two summers of my life were a bit different though, in that I went from attending high school to attending a college preparatory program known as Upward Bound. While I hated not being able to be home for such a long period of time, I still made many memories in the program. Summer... What SummerMay 27, 2014View
1102ArticlepikachuloverI'm not sure if they had year round school in other states. I know they did in Fresno where my uncle was a teacher. He taught at a year round school where they got six week breaks. Summer... What SummerMay 27, 2014View
1103ArticleDoctorRyanGood article, I really enjoyed how you made up your own storylines with your toys as I also did quite a bit. Of course I always pretended that I myself was He-Man as I was quite small when I was little. Your story brought those memories back to me. So thank you, great writing.The Evolution of FunMay 28, 2014View
1104ArticleFulton4VI remember thinking that Lost World was more fun than the original to me. But then also that it the third was good too. I liked seeing spinosaurus fighting a trex, it was a great scene. Im excited for the new one too.A Lost World BirthdayMay 28, 2014View
1105Articlekstrom22In preparation for Jurassic World I should sit down and watch all three JP films back to back, then I can judge them all as an "adult." I'm looking forward to how they continue the story. I still have my Lost World pillow-case, but the pajamas I got that Christmas are a bit too small for me now. A Lost World BirthdayMay 30, 2014View
1106ArticleVaporman87The Reading Rainbow Kickstarter campaign (for a web series of the show - is going nuts. Well over $2 million dollars now, with 30 days to go. That's over $1 million OVER the goal, with oodles of time remaining. Cool.90's Vs: Wishbone vs Reading RainbowMay 30, 2014View
1107ArticleVaporman87It will be interesting to see where they pick up the story and how they move it forward. I am also looking forward to the JP Ranger Corps fan film (which just happens to be premiering here at RetroDaze in our Theater - whenever it's done, that is). It's a need idea for a spin-off. A Lost World BirthdayMay 30, 2014View
1108ArticleVaporman87I enjoyed reading about your time with toys. It reminded me quite a bit of the my own times spent playing, as I commented in Part 1. Then introducing a video camera into the mix reminded EVEN MORE of my own home movies, some using toys, some just me and family/friends. It's a really cool feeling to see the things you're imagining in your head come to life on screen, especially as a kid. Though, I was never satisfied with the end product like I thought I would be. So, instead of recollecting all your old toys and shooting new movies, do like I did. Buy an inexpensive video editing program, take your OLD movies, and "enhance" them to fit what you would have liked them to be when you originally filmed them. Check out the Home Movies category of the Video page here, and look for "Lost Few". That movie was filmed by me and friends in 1989 or 1990, somewhere around there. Then many, many years later, I reworked it to be what I wanted it to be. It was cool. Just an idea. ;)The Evolution of Fun - Part IIMay 31, 2014View