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Photog Smurf Article

Why the Rabbit Ears Productions series should become a TV series

So, I had just recently written an article about my retrospective on Rabbit Ears Productions, which explains about what that company is all about and some of my favorite stories from the series.  Now, I wanted to talk about why I think that this series should become a TV series for the current times.


This series had started way back in 1985 and it had ended its run around 1994.  It was known for its iconographic animation where the camera pans over the illustrations, while the characters’ movements dissolve into the next panel.  I think making a TV series about this series would be a great way to reinvent the stories being shown as instead of having iconographic animation, they could make the animation more fluent or use different styles of animation to tell each story.  That would help the series become even more creative in its storytelling and probably make it more unique from the other animated shows that are currently running.


Many people are familiar with fairy tales like “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,” “Rapunzel” and “Cinderella.”  But there are other fairy tales and folktales that many people have not heard of yet like “The Fool and the Flying Ship,” “Finn McCoul” and “Peachboy.”  In making this series into a TV series, they would be able to reintroduce some obscure fairy tales and folktales and have those fairy tales and folktales be more well known to the audience.


Making a TV series out of an anthology series like this would help the viewers be more exposed to the vast variety of each story and therefore, the viewer might want to see Rabbit Ears make a spin off series from one of their stories.  This would help make each story expand more on its themes and characters if they are put into a TV format.  Personally, I would love for them to make a spin off series about “The Fool and the Flying Ship” since I believe that that story has much more potential to be a more fleshed out TV series.  But the other stories are good candidates also


So, what do you think about this?  Do you think that Rabbit Ears Productions (or Rabbit Ears Entertainment) should get their own TV series?  And what stories from Rabbit Ears do you want to see get their own spin off series?  Please feel free comment down below!

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Rabbitearsblog Posted on Sep 09, 2019 at 03:29 AM

Oh. Okay. Thanks! I'm still new to this site!

Benjanime Posted on Sep 08, 2019 at 01:45 AM

just a rule of thumb, it's important to label your articles as smurf photog if they're not focused on childhood memory.

Rabbitearsblog Posted on Sep 06, 2019 at 10:43 PM

Awww! Thanks for the Smurfs badge!!

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